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The clients of rl consulting cover the whole of the food industry and a host of government and non-government organisations.

Understandably, there are no names on this list for reasons of client confidentiality. As important as client confidentiality, however, is client confidence.

Specifically, the confidence that our clients have in rl consulting to make a tangible difference. A tangible difference in the way their company or organisation can more effectively meet the challenges of  modern business life.

We welcome new clients, and jealously guard our existing clients. If you have any questions about how rl consulting can assist you, please call Roland Bonney on 01865 792890 or email us at


Client Types

Ethical investment houses

Major Food retailers

Fund Managers

Multiple restaurant chains

Government Departments

Research Institutions

Independent Assurance bodies

Supermarket chains

International Food producers



The Field Station | Wytham | Oxford | OX2 8QJ | Tel 01865 792890 | Fax 01865 251811

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