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There is nothing so sad, or potentially dangerous, as a policy that is not implemented. Implementation is hard but necessary. Quite simply, implementation is where stakeholder or shareholder value resides.

At rl consulting we have developed a suite of implementation products for our clients. These products include :-

Technical Product Manuals
Industry and task-related, these manuals spell out the correct procedures in a variety of defined working environments and specific nodes along the supply chain.

Such manuals form the primary reference point for any number of verification protocols. As such, it is hard to overstate their importance.

Database Systems
Only when information is correctly stored in a robust relational database, will that information be availalble when you want it.

Such information systems can be within the company intranet or made available to a wider audience of supplier and customers on a suitable extranet or VPN.

Designed solely for the food industry, the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point system, represents a major leap forward in food safety control.

To discuss how we can help you implement your policies across the enterprise, email




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