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Our role in Policy Formulation is to bring clients fresh, outside perspectives to their policy-making process, combined with accurate insights into current and future trends in the food, pharmaceutical and investment industries.

rl consulting’s approach in Policy Formulation has three interwoven strands :-

  • Long-term strategy
  • Medium term innovation
  • Short-term responsiveness

Long-term strategy needs to be built on a sound, sustainable and ethical framework. If we see any omissions in this area we will let you know. Immediately.

But policy should not be hidebound and inflexible. rl consulting will also advise on the latest innovations in your sector.

As well as being responsible, a robust policy must be responsive. So that in case of accidents or major incidents, your people will react in a measured, professional manner.

For information on how we can enhance your company policies, call Ruth Clayton today on 01865 792890.


The Field Station | Wytham | Oxford | OX2 8QJ | Tel 01865 792890 | Fax 01865 251811

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