it has never been more important to ensure that the food you produce and serve to the public is produced from ethical systems.

rlconsulting provides a range of assurance services that will ensure that you develop reliable sourcing policies irrespective of where in the world your products originate from.

We can also help you engage professionally with NGO groups, & train your teams in ethical food production.

Services for:
  • Wholesalers
  • Retailers and Food Service Providers
  • Restaurants and Pub Chains
  • Caterers

products and services supplied to today’s food industry must meet the highest standards of food safety and environmental care.

rl will help you assess the ethical suitability of new products and technologies. Utilising our network of connections at all levels of the industry, we will then help you introduce your products into the market place through effective engagement with the key decision making bodies.

Services for suppliers of:
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Veterinary medicines
  • Chemicals
  • New Technologies

within the farming industry, it is essential that products are produced at commercially competitive prices.

however, the production systems must also meet the highest standards of welfare, food safety and environmental care.

rl understand how ethical systems can be developed to deliver competitively priced products.

we offer farm consultancy and training services to develop your business.

Services for:
  • Farmers
  • Processors
  • Integrators

rl was formed in 1995 and was the first consultancy to specialise in animal welfare within the commercial food chain. We have expanded to deliver practical & effective advice to the food production, pharmaceutical, investment and agricultural industries. Our core expertise extends into the fields of food safety, environmental care and social responsibility.

rl consulting
The Field Station
Wytham, Oxford
Phone: +44 (0) 1865 792890
Mob:     +44 (0) 7813 930999