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Public confidence in government is not at an all-time high. And commercial approval of government policies and regulations is similarly low.

All this as governments, both here and overseas, find themselves between the rock of voters’ opinion, and the hard place of vested commercial interests.

So how do you cut through the web of these entangled and overlapping issues? There is no quick fix. But there is a superior approach – based on a passion for the facts.

At rl consulting we amass the facts; the technical, commercial and scientific facts,of a given issue, and use them as the launch pad of our approach to understand, predict or even influence the action of government to issues in the public domain.

At rl consulting we identify and engage with decision makers across the whole spectrum.

Get to know us better by phoning Ruth Layton today on 01865 792890.


The Field Station | Wytham | Oxford | OX2 8QJ | Tel 01865 792890 | Fax 01865 251811

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