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Some brands, it seems, can single-handedly move the world. Which is why retailers, large and small, often see their brands as “mission - critical”.

Everything a retailer does will either build the brand or potentially detract from the brand. There are two sides to the branding coin. One side of the coin is brand building. Brand building is story boarding, creative copy, media campaigns. Big money. Big budgets.

The other side of the coin is brand protection. This is the backroom stuff. Quality Assurance. Operational Procedures. Policy Formulation. Compliance. Public Relations. Staff training. Professional development.

rl consulting are experts in brand protection. We take brand protection very seriously. Why?

Because we know just how hard it is to build an effective, valuable brand. And how easy it can be to damage it - for life.

To find out more about what we do, email us at


The Field Station | Wytham | Oxford | OX2 8QJ | Tel 01865 792890 | Fax 01865 251811

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