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We live in a shrinking world, a world where governments, companies and organisations are finding that their regional or national approach may be insufficient. And, in some cases, woefully inadequate.

Which is where the International Ethics service from rl consulting comes in.

International Ethics is a high altitude, high-risk environment. The guides, logistics team and support infrastructure all need to be first-class. Specifically, what’s needed most, are the people who clearly understand the underlying values and assumptions that drive ethical decision-making in any given country.

With its international network of highly qualified associates, rl consulting is uniquely placed to deliver solutions in this specialist arena.

To find out more on our approach to International Ethics issues, phone Malcolm Pye today on 01865 792890.



The Field Station | Wytham | Oxford | OX2 8QJ | Tel 01865 792890 | Fax 01865 251811

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